Monday, August 14, 2023

Old dub is Available For Download


A lot of people have asked but the site has always had the old dub available for download in zip files for quite some time separated into parts similar to how they were released on DVD.

The three films have also been available for download as well for quite some time. I understand the file sizes are pretty big but the dub has always been available for download.

The downloads are on the right hand side of the page if you scroll down.


  1. Hello from a 90's kid Sailor Moon fan! I want to thank you for sharing these videos. My boys and I are now starting the series together <3 Will Season 3 episodes 83 - 89 be uploaded? They are the only ones we are missing!

  2. I really can't thank you enough for doing this. after all of the drama with the new generation of moonies and how they are trying to cancel this dub into oblivion, I really thought my childhood was GONE. I've been looking everywhere and when I found your site I almost cried. THANK YOU for helping the OG Moonies keep their girls alive!! <3

  3. Hi, I’m not able to download the original DICs. There is an error that shows ups when i attempt to. I was able to get the clover dub just fine.

  4. I can't thank you enough for being able to share this to all the lovers of the original sailor moon!

  5. The link for the Edited versions of the movies is giving a 403 error. Is there any way you could possibly fix that?

    1. If you look there is R2 remasters of the the edited versions of the films still available for download. Try those maybe?

  6. Omg this is awesome my childhood is back are all the dub seasons here?

  7. Been reminiscing this dub lately and was saddned when I found out that these dubs are essentially really hard to find. But knowing that this exists.. omg I love you forever. Thank you for doing the lord's work. May you be happy forever and always 😭😭😭

  8. i'm in my 30's now and i've been looking back on the things i watched as a kid with increasing nostalgia, but it's been so hard to find the dubs in decent quality in a centralized location. the work you're doing here is absolutely fantastic and such an important part of preserving this piece of history. unfortunately it looks like the link for the edited versions of the dubbed movies is down? regardless, thank you so much, really. what a wonderful trip down memory lane.

  9. Hi! Thank you for having the original DIC dub! I really appreciate the work you put into ensuring it was accessible. Thank you thank you thank youuuu!!

  10. Thank you for this. It brought back such happy memories of my childhood!

  11. the edited movie links are dead :-(
